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Mark Montique

Owner / Manager


Ria V.  Ibanez

Assistant Manager


Philip Viera

Operations Lead


Melanie Montique

Customer Relations






A foundation of trust and understanding is super important so we make very attempt to be genuine and honest with our clients. Situation occur, things happen.. Trust and believe we will do our best all the time, everytime.

We are part of an industry with millions of identical products. It is our goal to deliver a unique authentic end product with proven quality. Know that whatever you see here, will only be found here.

The reality is that we're only success if you're success. It's the only way to do business.

The way we see it, success means that everybody wins.

Let us make you successful !

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How We Started

   MeritSalute was founded with one goal in mind: to provide high-quality, unique and extremely personalized gifts and awards for U.S. Military members and Veterans.

  Our dream.. this venture, started in 2021 as a part time hustle while I attended college.  Around the same time, my sister and I had recently separated from the military. We now held the title of Veteran and decided that we should come up with something that would be impactful and new. Having spent a great deal of time in the military world, it was easy for us to put ourselves in the customer's perspective and truly understand what was missing. 


We both agreed that the shopping options when in search for armed forces affiliated gifts and souvenirs were a bit lack luster and had little variety. Service members both current and prior, take pride in serving their country, and so we began working towards a means to allow the flaunting of such pride.  HOOYAH Navy ! (Sorry I just had to lol)

                                                                          *** Now read the first sentence again *** 

How It's Going


Since we've started, our product lines and production capabilities have increased 10x fold, adding a single new product every month.

It gives us great pride and pleasure to say that all our products, from raw material to the final product is designed and manufactured right here in the United States; start to finished, 100%

Every single product offered by us, is ONLY FOUND HERE.

Where We're Heading

We are speedily coming up on our two year anniversary in a few months. Today, we offer more than 200 varied items, and while that is a small feat in the world of business, it is a huge accomplishment for us and wouldn't have been possible  without the support of every customer we've had.


We'd like to say thank you for all those who supported us when the odds didn't look optimistic, and an extra thank you for our return customers.

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